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Friday, December 30, 2016

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The Enchanter Heir by Cinda Williams Chima, a book review

Next in line in The Heir Chronicles, The Enchanter Heir by Cina Williams Chima is really good… even if, like me, you missed the steps between it (The Wizard Heir and The Dragon Heir) and the first book in the series, The Warrior Heir.

Jack and Ellen appear again, but definitely as background characters. It is fun to see them in this book which is predominantly about Jonah Kinlock and other survivors of the Thorn Hill incident. I'm not sure if what happened at Thorn Hill is mentioned in The Wizard Heir or The Dragon Heir, but it easily could have been.

Jonah is the enchanter referenced in the title and he is a loner among misfits. Probably a stronger enchanter than he would have been if he'd not been part of the Thorn Hill incident, he also has some other abilities which are being put to use by his mentor and keeper, Gabriel, when we begin the book.

The desriptions of music and focus on it throughout this story is really enjoyable and believable. I particularly liked that music calmed Jonah's younger brother Kinzey's flames. Although there are a few other characters in the story, I'm left wondering about what other gifts are represented and manifested in those who are in Safe Passage.

I enjoyed this story very much. Even so, I was disappointed that there are a few appearances of foul language. For that reason, my children will have to wait until they are a bit older to read this part of the series. My eldest daughter was disappointed to learn my decision because she thoroughly enjoyed The Warrior Heir.

Have you read The Enchanter Heir by Cinda Williams Chima? What did you think of it?

If you like my book reviews for youth and adults, come back on Monday, January 2nd for a new review.  Children's book reviews are the only ones that will appear on Friday from here on out.  Hope to see you in a couple days to check out my latest youth fiction book review!

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