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Monday, April 10, 2017

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Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov, a book review

Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov was pretty good. It may have been even better if I'd been able to read the two books meant to come before it.

I like Arkady in this story. I thought she added a great deal of levity to a sometimes rather somber story. I also appreciate that she is one of only three female characters in a heavily male dominated tale.

I find it interesting that for entirely different reasons, the Mule and regular folk find themselves desirous of destroying the second foundation. The reasons for it, as presented in the novel itself, makes perfect sense. And so I wonder if this is similar to the desire some have of destroying God. Not that they can necessarily go to a place to do so, but seek to do it philosophically.

This kind of mental sci-fi isn't usually my favorite. I tend to prefer relationship-based action sci-fi. Yet I have enjoyed what I've read of this series and look forward to filling in the gaps in my understanding by going back and reading what I've missed.

The construction of the story itself is good and it's no wonder that Asimov has won both Nebula and Hugo awards… the daydream of every sci-fi writer.

I had pretty much guessed the location of the second foundation from the first book I read. It was gratifying to find, by the end of this novel, that I was correct.

Many thanks to a dear friend for the recommendation of this series. I am enjoying it.

Have you read Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov? What did you think of it?

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