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Friday, February 10, 2017

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Where the Forest Meets The Sea by Jeannie Baker, a book review

Jeannie Baker, both author and artist for Where The Forest Meets The Sea, is a talented creator. The illustrations are also stand-alone pieces of collage art. She collected materials from Daintree Wilderness in Australia and researched while there, so parts of the art she used to illustrate this story are actually from the place the story is about.

This story seems to be in support of leaving the shrinking rain forest in Australia alone. We follow a boy and his father as they make a trip to a beach where the forest comes as close to the shore as possible. This is untouched rain forest. The boy wanders off to explore the forest.

When the day is over, the boy doesn't want to leave. They will return soon, so says the father, but will the beach and forest remain pristine. The author/artist does an amazing job of alluding to the potential changes.

I enjoyed this book. My children like it, though they don't understand quite why it's as great as I think it is. I definitely recommend it.

Have you read Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker? What did you think of it?

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