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Monday, June 4, 2018

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Beyonders, A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull, a book review

Beyoners, A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull is a good youth fantasy. My eldest two daughters were 10 and 13 when they read and loved it. They super highly recommend it! I liked it, but wasn't as head over heels in love with it as they were as quickly as they were. It took me a little longer to really enjoy it. I definitely do recommend it for younger readers. Guys would probably love it as well as my girls because it is action packed.

The main character is a guy, Jason. He is joined by a girl, Rachel, but it really is more his story than hers. And he does go through some good changes, wherein he improves and grows.

By the end of this first book in the series, something unexpected happens which is a really great cliff hanger. I'm totally curious how the characters and author are going to bring things back around with the way the first book ended!!

I enjoyed the variety of experiences and characters in this book and look forward to getting to know the characters better and see how resolution of the problems presented come about.

Have you read Beyonders, A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull? What did you think of it?

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