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Monday, January 29, 2018

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Michael Vey, Fall of Hades by Richard Paul Evans, a book review

Michael Vey, Fall of Hades by Richard Paul Evans is the sixth installment in the Michael Vey series that started with Prisoner of Cell 25. The seventh (and final?) part of the series will be available Fall 2017. My Mom, daughters, and I feel the same way: it can't come fast enough (at least for the book)!

My review of the first book in this series can be found HERE.

In this installment, Michael Vey and his team of electric youth and nonels are going after the Elgen in a big way… the way that will hurt most: stealing their money. Along the way they are going to attempt to save a fugitive and some prisoners. It's a fast paced, easy read. It is a good bit of fluffy reading with a few deeper thoughts folded in lightly.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint myself, I particularly enjoyed the rib/joke someone made to Welch about being Mormon because he didn't drink alcohol. There were a couple other spots during which I smiled and one during which I laughed (one of the conversations about the youth as they traveled).

My twelve and ten year old daughters are allowed to read this part of Michael Vey's story. They love this series and enjoy it thoroughly. We recommend it highly!

Have you read Michael Vey, Fall of Hades by Richard Paul Evans? What did you think of it?

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